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Battle digital animals created since 2010 by Daniella Mesquita.

Phonemon Blue - Builds

Phonemons are being drawn since 2011, and since 2013 its game(s) are being projected.

The main concept is battle animals that are stored on QR cards.

Only in 2015 its first titles (Phonemon Pink and Blue) were developed and released since May. The development was paused in 2016 due to a source-code corruption from Windows 10.

These builds, despite being old, are worthy to play as a nostalgy and have a glimpse of what Tamigucho's platform games may look like in the future.

In order to put it to work, you need:
  1. resize your window to simulate the display of a phone (not needed if you're already using an old phone - if you have issues on your phone, try on PC by resizing the window)
  2. type the username (BetaTester) and password (123) in the login screen then enter

Phonemon builds

Install them as Chrome extensions or play the online version. For extensions, you can search web for "Chrome manual install .crx"

Update: these extensions doesn't work anymore on newer Chrome versions.